Although there’s only one of them inside,
the whole of my refrigerator is bursting with zucchini;
to cook these monsters I’ll need every recipe ever tried...
How else to cook the opposite of teeny?
1. It’s club-sized. Maybe I could hide some in a club sandwich.
2. Or à la parmiggiana, in a red sauce and some vini,
batter fried and baked with cheeses in a cuisine nouveau-riche.
3. I’ve used them other times in a sort of California blini,
with grated cheddar cheese and onion bits.
4. Zucchini bread is tasty and I’ve got a bread machine, ea-
ch loaf makes lovely coffee cake at breakfast.
5. Salads! Spinach, crumbled blue cheese, sautéd porcini:
as good a place as any to use the overgrown squash.
Okay, I’m out of ideas. I guess this verse is fini.