In a cold darkened room in a suburb of Paris,
With the rest of the tenants all out on the town,
I had been stuck here all day and all night,
Awash in a cathode ray light.
I hadn't set foot in the great scenic city;
I hadn't done anything much there at all…
And I see by the glint of your eye
What a life there was, passing me by.
Exciting and colorful Paris surrounded,
The art was amazing in all the museums
And just strolling those grandes avenues
Was a pleasure one shouldn't refuse.
Or I could have lingered in shops and cafés
Full of beautiful women all dressed to the nines
Waiting for a stranger to buy them a drink—
Or that's what I'd like to think.
But I couldn't go out, I was stuck in that hole.
A slave to that computer all night and all day,
Until—and I know this was hopelessly lame—
I had beat that damn solitaire game.