(Sung to the tune of Macavity the Mystery Cat)
Sean Hannity’s a Fox News host—says he’s the people’s voice,
But he’s a giant hypocrite who peddles empty noise.
He’s the bafflement of reasoning, the thinking man’s despair
For when they reach a solid fact, Sean Hannity’s not there!
Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, the master of mundanity,
He defies coherent sense, he only spews insanity.
His powers of double-standards would make old Jim Crow stare,
for when his rants come home to roost, then Hannity—doesn’t care!
Obama wore a suit of tan, Sean Hannity huffed hot air,
But Stormy’s suit on Trump was real, and Hannity—didn’t care!
Sean Hannity’s a puffed-up toad who wears a plastered wig.
He’s less a human being than a dressed-up talking pig.
His beady eyes peer sadly out as though they know the lie,
but his smarmy lips won’t tell the truth until the day they die.
He invents conspiracies as slippery as a snake:
Seth Rich, Bob Mueller, Hillary... No Faux news is too fake!
Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity, the apostle of inanity,
The enemy of logic and a scourge of all humanity.
The “Chinese Flu” was just a hoax; he called masks “a Dem scare.”
Then COVID killed a lot of folks but Hannity—won’t wear!
His birther crap, his caravan, and all that “voter fraud,”
are fertile lies that he decries—he’s a fertilizer god.
He deplores a peaceful protest—told BLM to be quiet,
But looked the other way at the DC pro-Trump riot.
When the government’s in ruins, and democracy past repair,
Sean Hannity still won’t make sense until he’s off the air!