Present: M. Eisner, J. Gould, S. Pickins, R. Hayworth, M. Farrow. Secretary: E. McMahon
Eis: Let's hear your ptches. Remember, need upbeat ending: Mulan, not Joan of Arc. Avoid evil wom., witches: incorrect. Gay-bash ok if sbtle—give bad guy eyeshadow, best wrdrobe. Nod to muli-cultural but keep it mainstream. Good: southrn Eurp.
We’ve been over chldrn stories a milln times, move into world lit. Worked great for Lio King/Hamlet.
Farr: The Dead
It’s about Irish, right? And what dog breed does evryn luv most? Irish setters! Marketing op-ins!!! Put a bulldog in smwhere. Love those! Voices: Uma for Miss Ivors!!! MikJFox for Gabe, make him a real fox!! The West Brit!
Pick: Thus Spake Zarathustra
Anybody heard of this? No? Okay, pass.
Hay: Romeo and Juliet
This is bst-known story. Pls, no evl women! Grt nm recog. Matt Damon as Rom!!! Maybe, a squirrel? Jul cld be chipmonk, Julie Dupry? Or try meerkats!
Gou: The Prince
Rob Willms as Machiavelli. John Goodman cld be dumb Medici. What mammal to use? Stray mutts? Prince cld have friends Rex and King. Sewer Rats? Too dark—fire whoever said that. Cats in Egypt? Too esoteric. Pass on this for now—let’s wait to see what Spielbergers do.
Pick: Don Quixote
Cheech cld be Pancho Sanchez. Ask Travolta if he’d do the Don. Great opp for hispnc market! Chng end: Don meets beautiful windmiller’s daughter. Saves Columbus’ life! Gets knighted by king of Spn.
Hay: Cortes in Mexico
Rob Willms is narrtr: Buenas Diaz. Sean Connery is Cortes. Eddie Murphy is Monteczuma. Rosanne is Cortes girlfriend.
Eis: Maybe we’re ready to move into Nazi Germany:
Farr: Diary of Anne Franke
Gd vehcl to ride Chicken Run momentum: Everyone’s poultry! Anne: swan? Nazis: German shepards!
Gou: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Cap on Bug’s Life momentum. Hitler could be cockroach, mandibles look lk mustache! Himmler cld be Praying Mantis, Goering a stinkbug-- fav. phrase is: Vat a gas!
Axis powers: killer bees, termites, locusts?
Allied: honeybees, dragonflies? Good old Americ. ants. Russians cld be red ants!
Jews something nice, maybe lady bugs…
Eis: Okay, pple; you hav yr storyboards. Get going, and remember: classic books make classic movies !