8 exercises in negative prefixes. This is from decades ago, when I had more time on my hands for this sort of silliness.
1. This Tinctive Cussion for the Cerning
A gruntled ex-employee, heveled and tressed, burst in.
"I'll teach you to dis me!" he shouted again and again.
The cordant sonance of tructive aster
Made his comfited office creetly pell the word faster
That solute and mayingly paraged was how they had left him.
2. Un Conte d'Amour
She wittingly showed how nerved she was
By the kempt and ruly man,
But thanks to her wieldy mentionables,
She emerged quite scathed, and ran.
3. Mrs. Aprop's Dinner Party
I was evolently seated
Next to an icious male
Who igned the movies of Malle.
4. Miss Guided's Tea
Was the seating chieviousness,
Or erable feasance, to put me
Between an anthrope and an ogynist?
5. In the Sipid Opinion of one Nocent Dividual
a. Digence leads evitably to eptitude and anity.
b. Imical famy begins with finitesimal ertia.
c. Be effable to ordinate grates
And to the cessantly flammatory,
Nocously dignant.
6. I'm Peaching Her Character
Given her pecunious status,
How could she dress so maculately?
7. Auntie's Ant Teas
Her septic dotes for perspirant
cipate where the pathy went.
8. A Sensical Descript Verse
Plussed for the nonce
By his chalance
In ordering naan,
Shannon, commital,
and Vernon, pareil,
will turn on, anon.