Here's a much shorter piece of light verse that for people feeling less ambitious:
If you aspire to base flimflammer,
and idolize a Katzenjammer,
the Internet could use a spammer!
Sell fake Viagra in Chinese!
Acai! Used car warranties!
Bring honest people to their knees!
If you like living in a hole,
and made malwevolence your goal,
you just might make the perfect troll!
Attack with an uncivil voice!
Be like a passage from James Joyce:
raw language and no sense—all noise!
Meaner than a Green Bay Packer?
You might incline to an attacker,
consider working as a hacker:
write the next great Trojan Virus!
Steal from celebs who don’t inspire us!
Madonna! Tom Cruise! Miley Cyrus!